Q: Where can I see my class schedule?

答:你可以通过学生门户网站访问你的课程表 my.66artfactory.com.


Q. How do I set up the portal?

答:如果您还没有设置门户,请按照以下步骤进行设置. If you have problems, please email [email protected] or call 502-863-4357 在正常营业时间内,我们优秀的IT人员将很乐意为您提供帮助!


  1. Click here to access the GC Student Portal (my.66artfactory.com)
  2. Once there, you will go to the link “Create Your Account——你可以在主页左边的灰色框里找到它
  3. Choose “Undergraduate Student
  4. 接下来,您需要输入以下信息(请仔细阅读):
  5. ID # - your ID is a six digit number likely starting with a 5. It is on your Student ID. 如果你不确定你的身份证号码,还没有你的身份证, please be in touch with your admission counselor. 
  6. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) (例如,如果你出生在2001年1月1日,你应该写01/01/2001)
  7. Zip Code (5 digits only)
  8. Last Name (This is case sensitive!)
  9. Then click "Continue"
  10. 系统将提示您选择用户名、电子邮件和创建密码. 一定要把你的用户名和密码写在笔记上,以免忘记!
  11. Once your username is created, 然后,您将回答一些关于安全性的问题(请确保您完成了这些问题)!), emergency contact info, etc. (下次登录到门户网站时,您将被询问一些FERPA和保险问题).
  12. 在屏幕的左下角,您将看到一个 link to student email. Go ahead and click on it and sign in! 


Q: How do I make changes to my class schedule?

A:如果你想改变你的课程安排,请 email the Office of the Registrar. 注册人员将与您一起修改您的时间表,以满足您的需求.


问:我以为我喜欢我的课程表,但现在学期已经开始了,我想做些改变. Can I do that?

A:你可以在你的课程表上增加课程,直到学期的第四天. You can drop classes for a longer period of time. 具体的添加和删除日期将包括在最终的学术日历上, 我们也会在最后一天之前通过电子邮件通知学生退课. 有关校历的更多信息,请点击 here.



A: Absolutely! We offer free, peer-based tutoring for all 100- and 200-level classes, 也有一个人手充足的写作中心来帮助学生写论文(对那些作文课来说很好)!). 如欲了解更多学术资源,请点击 here.


Q: Who do I talk to about taking out student loans?

A: For information about student loans, please email the Office of Student Financial Planning.


Q: My FAFSA got selected for verification. How do I complete that process?

答:赌博导航所有网站大全学院与KHEAA验证合作,以简化FAFSA验证过程. For more information about KHEAA Verify, please click here


Q: When do I need to pay my bill?

A: Tuition for the fall semester is due on August 1. Please email 关于学费支付的具体问题的学生账户.


Q: What do I do if I can’t pay my bill in full?

答:赌博导航所有网站大全学院与Nelnet合作,提供一项支付计划来分摊大学费用. For more information about Nelnet, please click here.


Q: How do I request a specific roommate?

A: If you already have a roommate in mind, please email Student Housing. 我们将尽力满足特殊的房间要求.


Q: I’m having trouble getting along with my roommate. Who do I go to for help?

A: Our Res Life team is here to help you! 你的第一个连接点是你的住宿顾问(RA), 当你学会和新朋友一起生活时,谁能成为一个有用的调解人. If you need more assistance, 我们的专业人员可以指导您办理换房手续. 有关Res Life团队的更多信息,请点击 here.  


Q: Can I get accommodations in college?

A: If you had a 504 or IEP plan in high school, 你很可能也符合大学住宿的条件, 尽管它们可能与你之前经历的不一样. 有关住宿流程的更多信息,请点击 here or e-mail 安排一个会议来讨论你有什么可用的.


Q: Can I bring my pet to college with me?



Q: How do I get involved on campus?

答:参与GC有很多不同的方式! 我们的学生参与办公室努力工作,以确保每个学生都能找到自己的位置. 今年秋天,请留意更多有关参与机会的信息!

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